Open Volunteer Opportunities:


May 2 - Pacific Symphony Concert at the Segerstrom Concert Hall


We need volunteers to support Red Hill Elementary’s participation in the Pacific Symphony Youth Concert on May 2 at the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa. Red Hill has been assigned to the Bus Team, and we need 10 volunteers to assist with managing bus traffic outside the venue.  Volunteering is a great way to contribute to this enriching experience for our 1st-5th grade students while enjoying the opportunity to attend the concert yourself.  

Click here to volunteer
  • Time Commitment: Friday, May 2 from approximately 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (includes on-site training during morning orientation).
  • Location: Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa
  • Dress Code: Black or navy pants/bottoms, white blouse/shirt, and comfortable shoes (sneakers recommended).
  • Parking: Fully covered for all volunteers.
  • Bonus: Volunteers will also get to attend the concert after their duties are completed!

Committee Chairs Needed for Next Year:

  • Family Movie Night 2025 – Pick the movie/theme, coordinate supplies, and plan logistics (past lead will provide details).
  • Rocket Run 2025 - Plan our annual jog-a-thon event + organize volunteers and fundraising. 
  • Book Fair 2025 – Coordinate with Scholastic and organize volunteers (past lead will provide details).
  • Variety Show 2025 – Join committee and shadow the current team who will age out of Red Hill next year. Goal is to lead by 2026/2027
  • Field Day 2026 – Plan an end-of-year celebration for students (detailed notes, vendor contacts, and all information needed will be provided by the previous lead).
  • Daughter/Son Loved One Events -  Lead the planning committee. Choose theme, date and get the word out to families about attending
  • Hospitality Lead - Plan two staff luncheons, stock the staff lounge with drinks, bring coffee to monthly PTA meetings. 
  • Ice Cream Social - Plan the ice cream social event that happens the evening before school starts. 

Please email if you are willing to help out or would like to learn more. Thank you for your support.