Volunteer Opportunities
At Red Hill, our PTA relies on the incredible support of our parent volunteers to help make every event and program a success. Whether you have a few hours or a whole day to give, there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a difference.
Volunteers Needed to Keep Important Programs Going:
We have a critical need for volunteers to take the lead on some of our most impactful PTA initiatives. Whether you’re new to Red Hill or a seasoned parent, your involvement makes all the difference. These programs only happen because of our amazing volunteers, and without your support, we may not be able to offer them in the future. Here are the opportunities where we need help most:
- After School Enrichment Class Lead - We’re looking for a volunteer to shadow our current lead and take over next year. This role involves working with vendors to set up on-campus enrichment classes like clay, Spanish, sports, and more. Without a volunteer, enrichment classes won’t be offered next year.
- Yearbook Lead: Help preserve school memories! We need a volunteer to support and shadow our current yearbook lead this year and next, with the goal of taking over in 2026/2027.
- Variety Show - Join the fun! We need committee members to help with this year’s Variety Show on May 2 (auditions the week of March 24) and a future lead to shadow and take over in 2026/2027.
Be Part of the PTA Executive Board
We have several open positions to fill for the 2025/2026 school year. You don’t need prior experience or to have served on the board before – we would love to see more new faces and fresh ideas! If you're interested in a position, please email our parliamentarian, Jen Wayt at parliamentarian@redhillpta.org.
We have several open positions to fill for the 2025/2026 school year. You don’t need prior experience or to have served on the board before – we would love to see more new faces and fresh ideas! If you're interested in a position, please email our parliamentarian, Jen Wayt at parliamentarian@redhillpta.org
Open Postions:
If you’re interested in helping or learning more, please email community@redhillpta.org- Ways & Means
- Treasurer
- Parliamentarian
- Secretary
- Historian
- Membership
- Technology